Divine Companions: Angels And Spirit Guides
Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, there are divine companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation they chose to accompany you through your lifetime, from the moment of your first breath, until your last. Spirit guides are highly evolved beings that have completed the cycle of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and guides to further elevate their vibrations. They are as “real” as you are, they are just vibrating at another level and reside in another plane of existence.
They work to guide you by working through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known to you through signs and symbols.
Some individuals have one guide and others have multitudes, much of this depends on the path and purpose of your life. For instance, a teacher/professor may have several guides, one to guide them through the academic nature of their profession and others to assist them with the great emotional requirements of performing such an important task. Much of who your guides are is indicative of your own personal journey through life.
Spirit guides are almost never a loved one who has passed away. Although our loved ones stay with us in spirit and we can contact them, they do not serve the same role as a “spirit guide”. Some individuals have archangels and angels as spirit guides who are always with them. Yet, the presence of angels does not always mean they are your spirit guides. Angels can be called in times of distress to assist you for a short time. If you have an archangel or angel as a guide, chances are your mission in life is a complex one.
Your spirit guide is always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence or not. You cannot call them to you or send them away, they are part of you and your journey. However, you can choose to gain the knowledge of who they are and what their role in your life is. You can interact with your spirit guides in a more proactive way. If you want to know who your guides are, just ask. Get in a quiet and meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Do not get discouraged if you do not figure it out right away. Beings from the spiritual realm often communicate through signs and symbols. Once you ask, you must trust your own wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. If you see a man in a suit, stay with that, it could be he is a philosopher or scientist. You may see a Native American, a Buddhist monk or you may see nothing at all. Keep your mind and intuition open. Pay attention to things that keep coming up after you have asked that they reveal who they are. If you are having a challenge discovering who they are you can also contact a professional psychic/intuitive to assist you.
Working with your spirit guides can be an incredible tool for your own personal and spiritual growth. Unlike beings who are in the physical, their wisdom and advice is not influenced by the “world”. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane and the mundane particulars of your situation are not relevant. For example, if you seek guidance from your spirit guide regarding a relationship, they will lead you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, what you are teaching your partner, and what is the true meaning of your relationship. The fact that they leave the toilet seat up or are terrible at budgeting the household finances will be irrelevant. The information that you will be provided with will be actions that YOU can take to gain more understanding. You can also ask your spirit guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that as you are sleeping, you receive healing.
You are never alone. Never. Take faith in knowing and understanding that there is so much magic and mystery in this life. Just for a moment let the “world” disappear. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of spirit wash over you. Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty and peace that you never knew existed. Of course, you can always choose to not believe. It is always your choice. But, why not? Why not step into another level of existence? Why not believe in magic? You do not have to announce it to the office, but you can embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. It will envelope you in a light of love and understanding, and will mysteriously transform you to a more connected and loving being.
higher self
What is the Higher Self?
Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self. Others have also referred to it as the Oversoul or Overself.
Who and what is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is the intelligence and wisdom aspect of our own self. Ironically, the Higher Self is impersonal and does not have a ‘sense of self’ like the way our personality is. Nevertheless, it serves as a guiding aspect for the personality or ego.
Spiritual Alignment and The New Consciousness
At times it seems as though our lives are a bit challenging, perhaps frustrating, and, in our darkest times, fearful. You may ask yourself, how do I live a more balanced life? When we have set our goals for truth, and living the life of unconditional love, we must remember that it will always take us to the next steps of our spiritual journey.
This must be done without fear of change or resistance to growth. Others who watch you gradually shift and change need to understand that you embrace unconditional love as your choice in life, and whatever lessons this brings to you; you need for your growth.
It is important for you to understand that, in your life, you have what you truly need to take the next steps into alignment. You are being guided by your intuition to go exactly where you need to go.
There is no need to fear the unknown and when you release the fear and develop trust you will take your next step in spiritual growth. Your inner soul searching is powerful and takes you where you need to be in your life. It doesn’t support you to skip over your lessons, or go around them. It’s the next rung on the ladder on your spiritual path. Support each other through these times; hold each other’s hands and embrace each other’s hearts emotionally because this isn’t an easy exercise for any of us. The joy comes in knowing that you are clearly provided for, taken care of and never alone. This is how you will make the next shift in your consciousness and in making some shifts you’ll feel more joyful and light than in others.
This particular shift into alignment has a different quality of a deeper, inward, soul search–deeper than you’ve gone ever before. But that’s the beauty in the depth of which you are searching. It takes you into a new place in your life. You are not ever without support and you must hold tightly to your truth. In essence, you must understand that very few people on this earth live in this particular way and walk in two worlds. What you are doing here is walking with a foot in two different worlds, gathering strength from both dimensions. It’s a very supportive place, and you will feel the self-empowerment in walking in both worlds. As you learn how to do this, you’ll teach others how to do this because, as the consciousness shifts, others will ask you, “How do you live in this fearful world without falling apart? Your world is shifting very quickly, and what is not aligned with you, cannot remain.
The alignment of consciousness is the most important thing for us to focus on at this time. It is not what you do; it is how you feel when you do it. It’s not whom you connect with; it’s how you feel when you connect with them. The alignment in the very core of your soul needs to be shifted and tuned until you can feel the balance of alignment. This next piece is to feel aligned on all levels that you share, whether it is how you work, how you relate to others, or how you live. This is how you help yourself and others shift into this new time.
You will notice the earth also shifting and changing. What is not aligned is being released. Let go. Those of you that walk the earth that are not aligned with the consciousness at this time are also being released with these changes. But the beauty is, when you do release and let go and open, the newness will be brought to you in a new level of comfort. Hold tight to both worlds. There are no gaps between the two. They overlap. Choose joy and alignment in your life. Joy is your choice!
Intro To The Seven Chakras
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These are a system of seven energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics and stages of spiritual growth. Practicing yoga and focusing your energies during different postures can help you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction and speed. Understanding how to fine tune and control your chakras through yoga and meditation can help bring balance and peace to your mind, body and spirit.
There are seven chakras, each associated with a different part of the body along the spine from the perineum to the crown of your head. Each chakra is associated with a particular body location, a color, a central emotional/behavioral issue, as well as many other personal aspects including identity, goals, rights, etc.
ROOT CHAKRA (Muladhara) - base of the spine / Survival
SACRAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana) - lower abdomen / Sexual Energy
SOLAR PLEXUS (Manipura) - upper abdomen / Power
HEART CHAKRA (Anahata) - heart area / Love
THROAT CHAKRA (Vishuddha) - throat area / Expression
THIRD EYE (Ajna) - between eyebrows / Perception
CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara) - top of head / Spiritual
Through the movements and postures of yoga, you can learn to focus your concentration and energy to and from the various chakras in your body. This can allow you to compensate for areas that may be out of sync with the rest of your body or not active at all. By balancing the energy among all seven of the chakras, balance can be achieved.
This spiritual energy is known as Kundalini energy. In its dormant state, it can be visualized as a coiled up snake resting at the base of your spine, the Muladhara chakra. Since the chakras act as valves or pumps regulating the flow of energy through your system, controlled and purposeful movements such as yoga can be extremely beneficial in realigning your chakras in a way that can cause great benefits to you in your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Energy Blockages and How to Heal Them
Energy Healing literally changed my life. It raised my vibration and raised my consciousness. It gave me the power to leave victim consciousness. It gave me the strength in finding my own self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect. It empowered me because it taught me to empower myself!
So how does energy healing actually do this? We ARE energetic beings and everything IS energy. Scientists have proven this to be true and this article is not about proving this fact. To keep this as simplistic as possible, we have an invisible energy body surrounding our physical body. In this energy body are layers. Each layer has different functions and each layer is associated with a different chakra and each chakra and layer both have an effect on areas of the physical body. The chakras and acupuncture points are openings for energy to flow into and out of the aura (energy body). This energy is associated with a form of consciousness, thus we experience the exchange of energy in the forms of seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, intuiting or direct knowing. It is important to open the chakras and increase our energy flow, because the more energy we let flow, the healthier we are. Illness in the system is caused by an imbalance of energy or a blocking of the flow of energy. In other words, a lack of flow in the human energy system eventually leads to disease. It also distorts our perceptions and dampens our feelings and therefore interferes with a happy experience of living a joyful life.
So what causes an imbalance or block in the flow of energy? The majority of people today have been conditioned to react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feelings and emotions which stops a great deal of our natural energy flow. An example of this, a person is rejected many times when she tries to show her love to another, she eventually stops showing her love by trying to stop the inner feelings of love. In order to do this, she will have to stop the energy flow through the heart chakra. When the energy flow is stopped or slowed down, the development of the heart chakra is affected. Eventually, a physical problem will very likely result if the energy does not start to flow smoothly again.
This same process works for all the chakras. Whenever a person blocks whatever experiences she is having, she in turn blocks her chakras, which blocks the flow of universal life force energy. Disrupted, weakened, blocked or imbalances in the chakras can all be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as:
emotional or physical trauma
negative self-talk
nutritional depletion
destructive lifestyle and relationships
neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others
from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way
childhood traumas
cultural conditioning
limited belief system
bad habits
or even just a lack of attention all contribute to blockage.
Difficulties abound in life, for each one of us, and we develop a coping strategy. If these difficulties persist, these coping strategies become chronic patterns, anchored in the body and psyche as defense structures. It is important to recognize the blocks we carry, find and understand their source then heal them.
Energy healing is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Long term practice of whole-body energy healing will restore the general condition of the body. It will open the energy channels and this will allow the body to deal properly and naturally with stress and the build-up of toxins along with coping with anxiety and depression.
Some of the health benefits from receiving energy healing:
– Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension
– It accelerates the body's self-healing abilities
– Aids better sleep
– Reduces blood pressure
– Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions
– Helps relieve pain
– Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony
– Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins
– Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy
– Supports the immune system
– Increases vitality and postpones the aging process
– Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
– Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing
– And more!
Energy Healing works. It changes you from the inside out. The main thing to remember is that body, mind and soul together with the energy body, are one indivisible whole. These simple, non-invasive healing practices work with the Higher Self of the receiver (person) to promote health and well being of the entire physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. When it is combined with the sincere and talented healer, a total healing can occur. A total NEW you will, in time, emerge!
Your Intuition Is Your Guide
Are you aware of your inner voice? Do you pay attention to it? (By the way, I'm not talking about the one who puts you down!) I'm talking about the one that softly whispers ideas and suggestions to you, the kind that the other voice might try to shut down, crying “Are you mad”!? This requires stepping out of our comfort zone, and that is to be avoided at all costs (even if the cost is living a life of mediocrity instead of the one of your dreams).
Sadly, the latter voice is the one most of us are aware of and pay attention to. The more gentle one, the one that is our intuition, is often ignored (if we can even hear it at all). The great pity here is that it's our intuition that really has our best interests at heart. Our shadow voice (the louder, more aggressive one) does have our welfare at heart too, but in a protective way.
What's wrong with protecting us? I know you’re thinking that! Well, it limits us and ultimately erodes our well being at a soul level. And believe it or not, that's not good for our physical or emotional well being! If you're unfulfilled at a soul level, slowly and imperceptibly you will develop a nagging feeling of general discontent which can have a rippling effect on your mood, self esteem and ultimately your physical and mental health. But that's for another article...
The gentle voice of your intuition will, if listened to, stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It will not only gently nudge you in scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, but it will also gently nudge you when it’s time to stop or turn around.
When you tune into your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by it you will be surprised at how much easier formerly assumed challenges will become. And how much good fortune lands in your lap (we call it synchronicity). And how good it feels to be at ease with yourself and all your life experiences, even the ones you wouldn't choose!
If you're not used to listening to your intuition, learning to tune into it will require time and patience. At first, you may be unsure which voice is which (especially as your shadow voice often sounds very reasonable), and using your intuition is very much like using your physical muscles. You need to use it regularly in order for it to be in the shape you want.
So how do you get to know your intuition better? First of all, start to watch out for hunches, feelings, ideas that crop up. Pay attention to the voice that accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, supportive?
If it's aggressive, domineering, or using scare-mongering tactics it's more likely to be your shadow voice. If you're getting a feeling of warning, is it a loud and threatening one? (shadow). Or an insistent knowing one? (intuition).
The scary thing about trusting your intuition when it's new to you, is that it's not based on logic and often what it suggests to you cannot be justified logically. But with practice and trust, you'll learn that knowing that something is the right thing to do, is in your best interests. It'll be easier to shrug off your own shadow voice and that of others (who will fear for your best interests on your behalf).
The key to developing this essential trust in one’s intuition is to start small. Don't make life-changing decisions based on your intuition if you're not familiar with it (you might still be confusing your two inner voices). Do ask your intuition to guide you with smaller decisions, and wait for the gentle knowing feeling to arrive. Don't expect an instant answer, but watch out, for it will come and you'll know it when it does.
Over time, as you tune in more and more, you'll find you suffer less and less with worry or anxiety. You'll trust all will work out well, and often you'll find it works out better than you could ever have imagined!
shadow work
What Is The Shadow Side?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspect of the personality as present and real. This act is an essential condition for self-knowledge, and it is often met with considerable resistance. These shadows are repressed elements of the personality which we choose not to be identified with.
Shadows lurk in the deep recesses of the psyche.It is buried in the heart, in the mind; it is part of us. It follows us, it frightens us, and they come to us in different ways, but they always appear somewhere. The shadow is not a mere concept or a matter of perception.It is very real.
Just as there is light, there is also darkness. It is not possible to deny the shadow element. It is usually the worst side of a person. The courageous person may have a cowardly shadow. The kind, gentle and caring person may have a cruel side hiding behind all that softness. Even among the most benevolent, the most
respected personalities and leaders in every field or endeavor, part of their shadow element peeks through their eloquence and their elegance. Do they really know themselves, or have they denied their shadow element? They may find their views, their words and their actions in conflict. This is not intentional and the internal shadow conflicts they fail to deal with come to surface at the worst moments.
Is it possible to ignore or avoid the shadow? When we are at the lowest point in our lives, shadows haunt us. It is that part of ourselves that we leave in the closet as we face the public and put our best foot forward. Hide them, deny them, suppress them, they will not vanish. Our actions may end up attracting these shadows into our lives in other ways.
Do shadows impact our lives? Do they mean anything? Shadows come in many forms. They can come as temptations, obsessions, addictions, co-dependency and other forms of indulgence. Shadows appear in the darkness cloaked in fear; shake us at our core. Shadows can also be shown as projections. It can be a dislike of certain traits in people, unjustified and unexplainable. We don't like what we see; perhaps it mirrors parts of us that we choose to ignore or may not even be aware of.
Are you comfortable with your friends? If not, ask yourself, why do you hang out with them? Do you judge them harshly? If so, why do you share your precious time with them? Do you tend to make a compromise that you can not meet? What about when you get angry at the slightest provocation, at times, by the same person. There are times we look for our shadows in the face of other people. We even attract them into our lives. Buried deep, these shadows may drive us to places we dare not go.
Pundits would say it is not wise to deny the shadow element. They believe the only way is to confront it, deal with it and work through the conflicts it creates.
Each person has their personal demons to deal with and to face, otherwise, it follows us in less conscious ways. There are lessons from the shadow element. To become aware of it, we need to go deeper into ourselves. We can take the good. Work with the bad, see the light, face the darkness without fear.Go deep within; let the fears and insecurities be buried deep within the surface. Confront the anger seething under the skin.
We are not perfect. No matter how many dark clouds hover above us, no matter how long the dark night is, light will surely come. These dark nights offer a chance to enrich and nourish our spirit, our soul and our lives. It helps us to align ourselves with our highest purpose. By striving for greater balance, endurance and perspective, we generate more personal power and strength.
The Secret To Living A Life Of Purpose
Researchers believe that developing a sense of purpose can enhance a person’s life immensely. The basis for their theory comes from various studies carried out over decades that studied the effects of happiness and having a sense of purpose on health outcomes. These studies found that those who had a sense of purpose in addition to happiness displayed better physical and health outcomes than people who experienced happiness alone.
So what is needed to develop a sense of purpose? There are many ways to accomplish this and what works best for you may vary. But here are a few ways you can develop a sense of purpose:
Helping others in your community, within a family setting, through a job, or on a wider basis.
Being recognised and valued for your contribution. This also implies being valued by yourself!
Being respected by others.
Having a sense of identity or finding your tribe.
Recognising a sense of achievement from what you do.
Having a purpose helps to build confidence and self esteem. People who lack purpose are often unhappy and lonely. An example of this could be the person who has retired from a career that gave her life purpose. She may have lots of time on her hands and be involved in a range of recreational activities but remain unfulfilled as there is no sense of purpose anymore. Involvement in these pursuits simply helps to fill her day.
How often have you thought about what you would buy or the problems that may be solved by a lottery win? Yes, we have all dreamt about this and there is nothing wrong with having dreams.They can open up our minds to possibilities and sometimes lead us to pursuing goals and a course of action in their pursuit.
Yet, how often do we hear about people who have had this stroke of luck and discover that their lives are not necessarily enhanced in any meaningful way by this, or are even worse because of it. Headlines in the local press have told us about the families who have broken up after winning money. People who have quit their jobs and gone on shopping sprees and drinking binges. People who long for the company of others who are not solely interested in them for what they get. The world, in our eyes, may be their oyster but what they may find diminished is a sense of challenge.
There is some truth in the saying that if you have to work hard for something you will appreciate it more.Sometimes the achievement itself is not the most rewarding aspect, but the process involved in its acquisition.
What provides someone with a sense of purpose will vary from person to person. For some it may simply be taking care of another close to them. Others may choose to travel, get involved in regular exercise, or in learning something new. The options are limitless. Whichever you choose, your commitment to this will also benefit you by keeping your mind active. When you do one of these activities the chances are that you will also be more optimistic and hopeful as a person. Having something important to aim for encourages people to be less likely to give up when things go wrong and to look for any learning opportunity instead.
Having a sense of purpose tends to make people more involved in taking care of themselves. They will pay attention to their health. Involvement with other people means that they are less lonely and that they also have other people around for support. Peers can also be useful for giving you feedback and helping you see things about yourself which may otherwise go unnoticed.
Astrology: Elements, Modalities, And Zodiac Sign
Astrology is defined as ‘the art or practice of determining the supposed influences of the planets and their motions on human affairs and human disposition’. From this practice a horoscope can be produced which is a diagram (or chart) of the relative positions of planets and signs of the Zodiac at a specific time, usually the time of birth.
Western Astrology originated around 500 BC, with a concept called the Zodiac. This consisted of an imaginary sphere surrounding the earth, which followed the path of the Sun through the constellations during the year. The Zodiac was split into twelve sections, each named after the specific constellation noted in that area.
Many ancient philosophies used a set of classical elements to explain the way nature behaved. Each sign was connected to one of the classical elements (fire, earth, air, or water) and was also related to a region of focus; social, personal or universal.
Each sign is connected to one of three modalities; cardinal (sometimes referred to as movable), fixed, and mutable. There are four quadrants following the order of the zodiac signs, with three signs in each. Each quadrant describes a season, beginning with a cardinal sign, continuing to a fixed sign, and ending with a mutable sign.
Finally, here is a quick summary of Zodiac Sign Characteristics:
Ancient Astrology
Astrology is a type of divination based upon the idea that information about the future or about a person's personality can be discovered through examining the alignment of stars, planets, moons and comets. Astrology attempts to interpret the influence of these celestial bodies on human affairs.
The practice of astrology has been prevalent since ancient times. Some well-known ancient civilizations used this field extensively. Greek astronomer Ptolemy was the first ever person to write a book on Astrology. He codified the sun sign astrology that we know today. Ptolemy tried to predict the positions of celestial bodies relative to each other and the earth through knowledge of their orbital motions. During his time, astrology was a part of astronomy. Later, astronomy became an exact science and Astrology remained a part of Theology.
Apart from being centers of medicine, Baghdad and Damascus were also known as centers of astrology and astronomy. Arabs were pioneers in astronomy before even the advent of Islam. The Babylonians were the first to name the days of the week after the Sun, Moon, and planets. They were also the first to set out the twelve houses of the horoscope.
Egypt was one of the most important places in the development of astrology. It is thought that some of the astrological signs of the zodiac originated in Egypt.
Astrology was practiced even in the Vedic times in India. Astrology is one of the six disciplines of vedanga. The Hindus believe that human fortune or misfortune in life is due to karma, and karma is believed to be influenced by the movements of the planets. In Modern India too, astrology is extensively used to determine the future and improve life. It is used to make decisions about marriage, starting a new business, or moving into a new house.
Chinese astrology emphasises the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth. Even the zodiac signs used by Chinese Astrology are different from other forms of astrology. China was isolated from the western civilizations for a long time. That is why for hundreds of years Chinese astrology was unknown to the western world.
Methods Of Karmic Pattern Clearing
What is karmic pattern clearing? Karmic pattern clearing is the cleansing of ingrained habitual responses that dictate the way we react to certain situations.
There are many tools and methods of clearing. The one that I am describing here is simply one of many.
The process of karmic pattern clearing often leads to the surfacing and uncovering of tendencies and thought-patterns that are stored in our subconscious mind. For that matter, meditation and an understanding of our dreams are helpful skills in our management of the process.
Karmic energies are neither good nor bad. Energy is just the way it is. However, beliefs and influences, possibly picked up when young or in some previous lives, will make us regard certain ‘characteristics’ as either being positive or negative. This tendency to judge is almost natural and instantaneous.
Energy (reaction) very often must run its full course for the ’cause’ to be ‘discovered’ and then ‘understood’. When the first reaction arises, a second reaction will often analyze the first one and decide whether the former is good or bad. If the former reaction is deemed as bad or undesirable, our personality will try to ‘fix’ the situation by preventing (blocking) it from arising again. Well, what we have now is more and more reactions, which can sometimes complicate the entire situation.
A Method of Clearing
This is one method that I employ. What I will normally do is to define all these reactions that come into my awareness. Basically, I am training myself to be aware of my own tendencies. I do this in situations that I have a strong reaction to. How to define these reactions? There are many ways to do that. Below are some examples:
1. Saying ‘how I feel’. Express them.
2. Writing them down in a record book or journal.
What is the purpose of doing this?
By defining these reactions, we are recognizing them and thus they (the thought patterns) become known or conscious to our conscious self. By expressing them, more and more of our karmic tendencies will be uncovered (and eventually be understood). This will continue until a time comes when the reactions lose their emotional charges. When they lose their emotional charges we will be less interested in them. With that, I consider this as having ‘cleared the karmic pattern’.
One more thing to add, the ‘external’ situation, basically is ‘designed’ to tell us something about ourselves. Sometimes, we may need to apply the ‘mirroring’ principle. For example, when we encounter a person whom we do not like, check to see deep within our unconscious or subconscious, do we have the same pattern? This, to me, is the hardest part to swallow.
Dream Analysis and Karma
Dream interpretation can support us in our karmic pattern clearing effort. Dreams often reveal to us our unconscious and subconscious personality aspects. As such, the ability to decipher dreams greatly assists in the understanding of ourselves and our thought patterns.
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